Check both your browser and operating systems settings.

Capture d’écran 2023-03-15 à 16.38.32.png

When you click on your cam/mic buttons, do you see the unblock message above?

If so, this means that your camera/mic is blocked by (1) your browser or (2) Operating System. Learn how to fix this below!

Chrome users

To unblock your camera/mic follow these steps:

Chrome users see this.

MacOS users — check Systems Preferences

You can change the settings for all of your browsers from your Mac’s System Preferences. To do this, click on the Apple in the top left of your screen and select System Preferences. Click on the Security & Privacy section and then select ‘privacy’. Click on Camera and or Microphone in the list of options, and tick the box next to your browser to allow access.

Windows users

PLEASE check for Systems Updates! This Lifewire post is helpful.

Do you have a program that automatically opens at startup, which uses your camera?