🤓Your Control Tower

Once you have installed the code snippet on every page of your web app, you might want to get more fine grain control over the behavior of Birdie… Then this feature is for you!

The targeting setting is available from your account, in the Target Settings page.

Targeting visitors

With targeting you can just decide if you want to enable the widget for known users or for every anonymous visitors, or both.


Targeting pages

You can also decide where the widget should be enabled into your web app or your website: on your account it's a child game to indicate the URL address where Birdie should be enabled or disabled.

For example if you want to enable Birdie only in the account section of your web app, and nowhere else, just add a new page condition, and select all URL beginning with your account section url…


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a67dfb03-0b36-42b1-9840-9261e4826d89/Birdie-icon-32x32.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a67dfb03-0b36-42b1-9840-9261e4826d89/Birdie-icon-32x32.png" width="40px" /> Click here to Sign up
