If you get this message on Zest recorder, it's because something is wrong with your browser permissions, or your browser is already sharing screen or video in another tab.


Solution 1: Reload the page

Just reload the page. Open Zest recorder and you should be able to authorise the microphone and the screen sharing again.


Solution 2: Verify that your browser is not already sharing video in another tab, or quit & restart

If reloading the page did not work, your browser might be already using screen sharing or video authorization in another tab: try to find this tab, or you can simply quit and restart the browser to make sure you don’t have any other tab sharing video.

Solution 3: Go to your Safari preferences

If solution 1 didn't work

  1. Open Safari Preferences (1 and 2) : a popup window appears, click the Websites tab (3). Go to the left pane and choose Microphone (4) then check if the option is Ask for Zest website (5). Do the same for the Screen Sharing element (back to 4, then 5).


  1. Reload the page
