You can also add this snippet manually

To add Birdie into your web app or to your website, you just need to copy your Javascript code snippet and paste it before the </body> tag into each page of your web app.

You will find the snippet in the recorder install page... As an example, the snippet should look like this:

<script>(function(){window.addEventListener("load",function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript",t.async=!0,t.src="<>"+window.birdieSettings.app_id,document.body.appendChild(t)});})();</script>

Once installed, no coding is required: you will be able to manage how and when the widget is available right from your Birdie account, in your Birdie settings page.

If you are using Google Tag Manager

<aside> 📌 While Birdie can be added to your site with Google Tag Manager (GTM), we recommend directly embedding the script tag instead because GTM is commonly disabled by ad blockers.


  1. Just hit Add New Tag in the Google Tag Manager console ;
  2. In the Tag Configuration choose a “Custom HTML” tag type ;
  3. Then paste your code snippet into the HTML field ;
  4. At last, edit the triggering option and choose “All Pages”.
  5. Don’t forget to save it, and submit your changes to apply this new configuation!

Capture d’écran 2022-04-07 à 11.41.09.png

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Click here to Sign up
